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buildingSMART Czech Republic


czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic offers its members the option of participating in BIM (Building Information Modelling) standardisation on a national and international level.

Digitisation with buildingSMART

The objective of buildingSMART as an industry body is to become involved in the creation of national and international rules through open standards and its own manufacturer-independent regulations. For instance, buildingSMART has developed and globally expanded the IFC format and continues to work on its improvement – as such, it is used by a number of BIM software products.  In addition to this, buildingSMART accurately identified the need for standards of further BIM education for digital building planning, construction and operation. Here too, buildingSMART has developed global reliable standards with its partners.

The working structure with its primary areas of activity is governed according to the corresponding working structure of buildingSMART International, namely:

  • Airport Room
  • Building Room
  • Construction Room
  • Infrastructure Room
  • Product Room
  • Railway Room
  • Regulatory Room
  • Technical Room
  • Power Room

Within these working areas, working and project groups (roundtables) are organised, generally as a discussion forum for specific expert circles geared towards clarifying given topics and approving procedures.

How to become a buildingSMART member in several steps

Membership benefits

  • Partake in the digital transformation of the building industry
  • Become part of an inter-disciplinary and partner competence network
  • Support open and manufacturer-independent digital building planning, construction and operation

This is how to become a part of czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic

Membership in buildingSMART Czech Republic requires membership in the Czech BIM Council. Any adult natural person, legal entity, professional society, state and public administration, local government, public company, college/university or research organisation whose activity is directly or indirectly related to the planning, construction or management of buildings or facility management may become a member of the Association. The condition of membership is a readiness to support the Association’s objective.

Benefits of buildingSMART Czech Republic membership

As a member of czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic, you will become a part of the international buildingSMART community.

czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic is the largest and fastest-growing competence network for the digitisation of construction and real estate in the Czech Republic. Since 2021, czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic has been a part of buildingSMART International and as a registered society, it is neutral and independent. It actively participates in digitising the sector, and with users, developers and contracting authorities promotes open standards independent of information exchange products within BIM projects (Open BIM). It also creates the Standard for Non-Graphic Model Information (SNIM), which is available for free to whoever is interested.

Benefits of your membership in czBIM buildingSMART Czech Republic

  • buildingSMART provides you with reliable and exclusive news and trustworthy professional information about BIM and the digitisation of construction. buildingSMART members receive monthly press summaries on the topic of BIM and digitisation of the construction and real estate sectors.
  • Various “roundtables”, “working groups”, “expert groups”, “project groups” and other platforms offer a proven working structure which is open to the participation of any member. Our members prepare and draft BIM standards based on IFC (and other standards) and submit them for approval within buildingSMART International.
  • Our members also develop standards for education and training programs in Building Information Modelling. From 2022, it will be possible to obtain training certification for basic BIM courses as a part of membership.
  • Our members draft recommendations for legal framework conditions in building construction and participate in public discussions, e.g. on the topic of public procurement, BIM law and more.
  • Admission to several highly respected professional events per year on the topics of digitisation, BIM and change management, the importance of which exceeds the borders of the country. Members, or the employees of corporate members, may receive tickets for free or under special conditions, and are exclusively invited to accompanying events.
  • buildingSMART is an attractive platform for sponsors that can present themselves on various occasions to a particularly appealing target group in building construction and real estate. Our members can thus profit from the advantageous conditions of various sponsoring packages.
  • Corporate members can also enjoy the exclusive option of self-presentation on our communication platform (news, social networks, offer of seminars), seek cooperation or publish offers – requests for specialised job positions.
  • Members may use the “buildingSMART – Czech Chapter Member” logo.


The Open BIM concept is a universal approach to facilitate cooperation in the planning, construction and operation of buildings based on open standards and work procedures.

Open BIM certification is a technical certification system developed by the buildingSMART® alliance, the aim of which is to help AEC software suppliers to improve, test and certify their data links to other Open BIM solutions.